Hello Friends! Feel free to explore my site & contact me with any questions you may have.  For Engaged Couples, I have a Bridal Guide on the top toolbar that will give you lots of helpful information.  For Highschool Seniors, please feel free to look through my Senior Session Guide! I'm always available to answer questions, so feel free to email or call anytime!  




Hello!  I'm Sally Krueger - and I'm a wife, a mom (of 3 fabulous kids...no "mom goggles" I'm sure!), and of course...a photographer!  It's what I've always wanted to do! Photography is my passion, my creative outlet, ...and now, my vocation! With the encouragement of my wonderful husband and family, I get to do what I love. I specialize in Senior Portraits, Weddings, Children. and Families. 


My whole desire is to capture your special moments and above all - make it FUN!!  I know what it's like to feel uncomfortable in front of the camera and my whole goal during your session is to melt away those worries and help you have fun and enjoy the entire experience.  And in the end, the result will be beautiful images to remember those special moments by! 


If you want to "get to know" me a little better...and maybe have a laugh or two...

click here!



Based In Lancaster, PA


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